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Source: Architecture Joyce Owens. Credit: Joshua Colt Fisher

“Building Hollis Jeffcoat's artwork catalogue was the only way to give Hollis the opportunity to tell her story with her own voice."

Alberto Carreras

What’s an artist without their artistic legacy?

Hollis Jeffcoat’s story cannot be told without her artwork. ​


The Hollis Jeffcoat Artwork Catalog is the cornerstone of the Hollis Jeffcoat project: no other initiative that aims to raise awareness about painter Hollis Jeffcoat will success without the foundational pillars of what defines an artist: it’s artistic legacy.


Hollis Jeffcoat’s full body of artwork is the only statement that can faithfully describe who the painter Hollis Jeffcoat was. There’s no other narrative than can replace the value of contemplating the full catalog of an artist's work throughout their artistic career. 


Building the Hollis Jeffcoat Artwork Catalog is an ongoing effort. Each artwork piece in our database contains multiple metadata along with images from different sources. It's an comprehensive task and it will continue overtime. 

Read about the sources to build the catalogue.


Are you one of Hollis Jeffcoat's collector? Help us build the catalogue. Submit your Hollis Jeffcoat artwork.



Artwork copyright

The Estate of Hollis Jeffcoat

All of Hollis Jeffcoat´s artworks on and the associated social media platforms connected to it are under copyright.


The Estate of Hollis Jeffcoat administers copyright permissions for all artworks by Hollis Jeffcoat.


All images are published with permission of The Estate of Hollis Jeffcoat. See Rights and Reproductions for more information.

Sources to build the artwork catalogue

Original site

The original source of images to build the Hollis Jeffcoat artwork catalogue was the original Hollis Jeffcoat's site. The site was still available through the Internet Archive. It still had access to the original painting images uploaded by Hollis which eventually became unavailable. We were able to document them at a low resolution. 

Exhibit and auction printed documents and online references

Another great source of images were exhibit materials. Existing printed exhibit catalogues and brochures along with more recent online posts were a great source of images. The Watson MacRae Gallery's site provided many documented painting images.

Magazine articles

The Internet contained numerous articles on Hollis Jeffcoat, many of them containing references on her artwork.

Art galleries, collectors, and public collections

We travelled to Sanibel Island (Florida) and other corners in the world to photograph Hollis Jeffcoat paintings.


Worldwide collectors have also provided with photographies of Hollis Jeffcoat paintings in their collections upon requests. Visit our Collectors section if you want to submit any Hollis Jeffcoat in your collection.


We also reached out to public collections and private foundations like the Joan Mitchell Foundation to get images of the paintings and drawings in their archives.

Personal photographies

Personal photographies provided by the Estate of Hollis Jeffcoat.

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